I get asked that question a lot these days. You know, I ran a half marathon yesterday through the Texas hill country -- nobody asks about that, though...

"Don't hate me because I'm beautiful"

Sammie and Brad take a nap
(Brad would later wake me up by puking all over me...)

"What is that black thing you keep pointing at me?"

Brad really hated his first bath....

...the dissatisfaction of the experience lingered for some time.

Story Time

"Not now, Mommy, the game is on"

From an economic perspective, Brad considers
his fingers as substitute goods for binkies.

Brad likes his new blanket from Aunt Sara

Brad and his Great-Grandmother, Phyllis Duncan
For those who wonder, we have come up with a few nicknames for Brad. We started with B-Rad and that is what we usually call him. It led to B-Radley which then led to Boo Radley -- Melba came up with that, but she won't let me use it -- even though Boo ended up being a good guy. (Maybe some day Melba will give me credit for remembering the storyline of To Kill A Mockingbird.)
Anyways, we also call Brad, "Subtle". This used to be our nickname for Phoebe who is never subtle about wanting anything. Brad is even less subtle....
My latest nickname for him is the Formula-Bibber. This comes from how many bottles he went through yesterday during the SEC and Big 12 Championships games -- he had formula all over himself as he drank, burped loudly while drinking the bottles, would break out into crying fits at sporadic times for no apparent reason, then his eyes would roll back and he would fall asleep for a few minutes only to wake up screaming for more.
Happy to hear that parenthood is treating you well.
Cute cute cute!!! I can't wait to meet Boo-I mean Brad! Two weeks--right?
And Congrats on your half-marathon, Sammie!
Yea! More pictures! I'm so glad you're sharing Brad with the rest of us through the blog. Wonderful! P.S. I hope the Ward Christmas Party goes well!!
I loved the pictures!!! Thanks for posting. What an adorable child. Do this more often, ok? And congrats on finishing your half-marathon.
Was that paragraph describing father or son? (I've seen you watch football...)
Congratulations on the beautiful boy!
He's SO precious!! And definitely rad, too. I can't wait to meet him in just two weeks and to see all four of you (Katie is already talking about playing with Phoebe). Love you!
Cute baby and very cute parents!
I've read this post six times now. I can't wait to see him again!
Harrison really hated his first bath too! Thanks for the updated photos! BTW - how was the half marathon?
So cute and it makes me so happy! We love you guys!
love the pics! love the b-rad! love your expanding little family. but i do have to say - half marathon? sounds a little braggy to me.
also, i hope you appreciate the baby gift i had sent to you. as soon as i saw it, i said, "SAMMIE'S BABY NEEDS THIS!" ...
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