Friday, April 06, 2007

I Guess That's Why They Call It The Blues...

Well, I think my 15 minutes has very little sand left in the hour glass. I got bored today and for no real reason went to and looked myself up. I think I was just curious to see if I was still there. (I still am.) I found out that they now have this new thing called a "Star Meter" which ranks how popular you are. My Star Meter is down 43% percent from last week.


Now I think my self-esteem is down about 86% after learning that. Don't worry -- it isn't. I guess there just aren't enough cyber geeks into films released straight to video in Europe to get my Star Meter up to a respectable level. Life goes on.

1 comment:

catharooni said...

now that you (and i) have looked at your name, your popularity will sky-rocket! check it from time to time to keep you feeling as cool and popular as we all know you are!!