Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Phoebe's New Haircut

Melba came home tonight after babysitting for the Smiths. Toni brought home a gift for Phoebe -- a Dog Mullet. I swear to you that Toni is the only human on the planet who brings home gifts like this for the baby sitter.

Oh, and did you all know that Melba got glasses last week?


Unknown said...

That is a great picture! Very funny!

Bekah said...

OH MY HECK. I love Toni! That is hilarious!

Julie Markham said...

I'm sitting next to Melissa the next time we have pictures taken!

catharooni said...

phoebe? was phoebe in that picture? i couldn't see anything by harry potter's myopic sister!!!

love 'em both!!

Carrie said...

You look lovely, Melba! Can you bring Phoebe's mullet to St. Louis so I can borrow it for Alex's blessing day? I always seem to run out of time to do my hair on Sunday mornings . . . this will be a quick fix.
We're SO excited to see you guys!

Sara Corinne said...

business in the front. party in the back.

Kirbell said...

Thank you for a good belly laugh. I needed that.

Amy & Mark said...

Lovely, lovely! Do you know where I can get some?